On days when things aren't quite working out right, when your pain au chocolat is a little too dry, when a smelly man in the metro stands on your toe and the waiter looks at you in a funny way, and you have to queue for 30 minutes in the Post Office to receive a letter telling you that your tax return is overdue and it's a cold drizzly day with no end to winter in sight. On these kind of days I often reflect that life's not so bad. I live in Paris, I've got a great boulangerie and a fromagerie opposite my house, I can walk to the Place des Vosges in 20 minutes and I don't do a 9 -5 any more (halle-bloody-lujah) in a job I don't like sandwiched between 50 minutes of stressful commuting either side. Yeah! life ain't so bad.
If you play the clip make sure the sound is turned up.